The winding shopping streets of York are home to a flurry of unique boutiques. A sense of belonging is found in traversing streets such as Stonegate and Petergate that have been used for trading goods for hundreds of years. The area’s magic nature has not gone unnoticed with the Shambles inspiring the depiction of Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter films.
The historic yet quirky environment creates an experience of shopping in York that is exciting and inspiring. From bespoke handmade goods, luxury confectionery, specialist liquor and much more, it’s impossible to say what you might discover as you meander round the city. To help you on your way, here are twelve of curious businesses we think you should check out.

Angela Bare
Angela Bare is a clothing boutique that embodies the quirky nature of the independent shops in York. Its shelves are packed with vibrant ladies clothing, shoes and accessories that are sure to turn heads. Their penchant for patterns is second to none, and after eight years in the business, the list of brands they stock has developed into something truly unique with imports from across the globe.
Sewcialising is a haven for sewing enthusiasts in York. They offer workshops as well as the sale of beautiful fabrics, sewing notions, indie patterns, sewing gifts and yarns too. They encourage their clients to do what makes them happy and if you’re looking to pick up sewing as a hobby then this is the place for you.
Gilles Fabric
The sewing scene in York is healthy and for the hardcore stay at home sewers, Gillies Fabric has all you need. Offering top of the range fabric and haberdashery as well as a range of sewing machines and sewing machine repairs, Gillies will keep you threading forever.
Duttons for Buttons
In their own words ‘visit Duttons for buttons & haberdashery & ribbons & spare-time crafting & needles & thread & rainy days knitting with friends & wool & workshops & making stuff with the kids & just about every needlecraft thing you’ll ever need …’
The Cat Gallery
The wonderful nature of cats enchants many of us humans and if you wish to find a shop that celebrates them as much as the Egyptians did then the cat gallery is the right place. They stock products for both felines and humans ranging from toys, treats and grooming products to homeware, jewellery and cat fiction.
Viking Loom
Another player in the York sewing scene is Viking Loom, located just outside the city. They offer a great range of fabrics and haberdashery and a welcoming hand for anyone looking to begin or reconnect with sewing at any one of the classes they offer.
Minster Gates Books
Minster Gate Books is situated on a street that has been associated with bookselling since 1580 and was formerly known as Bookland Lane. Over their five floors they offer a unique selection of antiquarian and second-hand books as well as a range of children’s and illustrated books too. The shop has a dusty magic, you never know what you may find on their shelves.
The Grimoire Bookshop
In a similar region of the city you will find The Grimoire Bookshop, a two story 17th century shop specialising in the supply of esoteric books. Their titles range from graphic novels, history, literature, military, railway books, sci-fi & fantasy, vintage children’s books and more. The wide offering ensures that it is a shop for collectors and casual readers alike.
Monk Bar Model Shop
Since 1963 the Monk Bar Model Shop has been instilling a childlike awe in its customers through the sale of model railways, aeroplane kits, Scalextric, Meccano, Corgi toys and more. The family owned business are experts in the field and are extremely welcoming to all levels of interest in modelling and toys.
Sore Thumbs Retro Games
Sore Thumbs Retro Games describe themselves accurately as the gateway to retro gaming Nirvana. Their selection of retro video games transport you to a simpler time when all that mattered was the tv, the controller, and your mates. Ranging from the 80s up until the 7th generation consoles (Ps3, X360) Sore thumbs will take you on a trip down memory lane.
Paul Dawson Coins
Paul Dawson Coins is based on the Shambles and is a specialist trader in coins, medals, fossils and precious metals. Even if you have no previous interest in coins the shop stands as much as an archivist as a vendor and is full of interesting artefacts. One to check out if you’re curious about history.
York Armoury
Another destination shop located in the shadows of the minster is York Armoury. They boast a truly unique selection of products selling all manner of gothic design pieces, alternative jewellery, historical and movie-replica weapons and armour, archery products, statues, quirky gifts and historical/fantasy figures cast in pewter and plastic. York Armoury feels just as much like a museum as a shop.